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HipHop DeLa 2022 [ymw2022.12]

HipHop DeLa 2022 [ymw2022.12]

Regular price ¥3,300
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* Made with 100% Delaware grown without pesticides (Bordeaux, sulfur compound) at Matsuzawa Farm in Nanyo City (unfortunately, the lease contract ends in 2022). It is a Delaware plant that is covered with vinyl in the spring and grown in the wind of Nanyo City. After de-stemming and crushing, the grapes were naturally fermented as they were without being stripped and then fermented in the bottle for the second time. With 11% alcohol, you can enjoy a firm “slightly sparkling wine” with a honey-like texture and a popping foam. In particular, I think that the 2022 production will be able to enjoy the afterglow of fruitiness with the addition of “Pink Dera”, which has a more pleasant balance of sweet and sour taste than Blue Delaware. Of course, you can enjoy it as a still wine even if the foaminess is reduced. We hope that you will enjoy this feeling when it is freshly made, and even after it has matured. The “HipHop” series gives you a natural “floating buttocks” like the music “HipHop”. I would like to further evolve the "Delaware fine foam mouth wine" that I have been making for many years here at "Yellow Magic Winery".

Capacity: 750ml
Manufacturer: Yellow Magic Winery Type: White, fine foam Flavor: Dry / Refreshing Alcohol: 11%

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