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GM WINE 2020

GM WINE 2020

Regular price ¥2,530
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Nanyo City, Yamagata's Kanayama District Revitalization Project Golden Mountain products. In the Kanayama area, which is located in the mountains in the northern part of Nanyo City, the cultivation of "La France", "apples" and "grapes" is thriving. However, with the aging of the population, the number of abandoned farms has increased, and this is a revitalization project that aims to revive the industry in the area. In 2020, our company participated in the sake division. With La France and apples, it is difficult to express the core of the flavor, that is, the sourness, so by adding the blue Delaware from our Kanayama district, I think we were able to express an unprecedented symphony of three fruits. The scent of La France on the top, the umami of apples in the middle, and the finish is the beautiful acidity of blue Delaware. Although the alcohol content is 9%, the result is a wine with a complex texture.

capacity: 750ml
yellow magic winery
type: Sparkling Taste: dry / Fruity alcohol: 9%

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