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Dewa cherry tree pure rice size brewing sake from the finest rice Yamagata super-limited turtle tail

Dewa cherry tree pure rice size brewing sake from the finest rice Yamagata super-limited turtle tail

Regular price ¥2,200
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Limited distribution product in 10 stores in Yamagata Prefecture

“Kame no O”, which is called phantom rice, was discovered in Yamagata in 1893, the year after Dewazakura was founded. Three miraculous ears that have grown in severe cold weather.
As the only junmai daiginjo brewed with Kame-no-o at the brewery, it was completed in cooperation with 10 liquor stores in Yamagata Prefecture, from sake quality design to brewing design sales . Junmai Daiginjo sake brewed with Dewazakura's only "Turtle Tail" is a bottle that makes you feel like Yamagata.

capacity: 720ml/1800ml
Dewazakura Sake Brewery

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