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Thirty-six people pure rice sake Dewanosato freshly squeezed

Thirty-six people pure rice sake Dewanosato freshly squeezed

Regular price ¥1,155
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Freshly squeezed unpasteurized sake of "Dewa no Sato Junmai Sake", the flagship brand of the Sanjurokuninshu series.
``Dewanosato'', the original rice suitable for sake brewing from Yamagata Prefecture, has a high appearance rate of shinpaku (there is little part that gives sake an unpleasant taste), and it has the characteristics of achieving a beautiful sake quality without polishing. It's sake rice. This junmai, which is made with that sake rice, boasts a clear taste with a smooth texture and a fresh feeling that flows smoothly!

Capacity: 720ml/1800ml
Alcohol: 15%

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